8 Ways to Beat Burnout

Are you near the point of burning out at work? Burnout simply means when you feel depleted, have loss of energy and brain fog. It’s hard to focus or even find your motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Burnout is quite the opposite of mojo, which is your best energy. When you find your mojo, you regain your confidence, enthusiasm, and inspiration.

So, what are you doing to prevent burnout? Burnout is a real risk for nearly everyone, so don’t think you’re immune. Whether you have a corporate career, a midlevel management job, or are an entrepreneur, taking care of your physical and mental health to avoid burnout is paramount in today’s busy world.

I get it…it’s a vicious cycle. You want to succeed and we’ve trained ourselves that in order to succeed we need to do more, often to the detriment of our health or relationships. But I encourage you to take a few minutes for yourself today and really think about what you can do differently to put yourself FIRST. You take so much time to care for others; when will YOU get to the top of your list?

Listen in for my 8 tips to avoid burnout.


Quotes to remember:

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

 “A person without direction loses confidence and effectiveness.” Brendan Burchard

 “The greatest project on our to do list is time to work on us.”

 “Overwhelm is a symptom of shutting down.”


Resources mentioned in the show:

FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mondaymorningmojo

The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan https://kellerink.com/collections/books/products/the-one-thing

How to take your goals to the finish line with the 4-1-1

7 Simple Laws of Success Download


Connect with Anna:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: @CoachAnnaGibbs 

Instagram: @CoachAnnaGibbs 

YouTube: @Annagibbsatkw

Coaching: coachannagibbs.com

To learn more about the supplements and products Anna uses to improve her overall health and well-being visit: 
