Cultivating the Positivity Habit

Research shows that 80% of our thoughts are negative. Are you surprised by that percentage? That means that for the majority of our waking hours, we’re bombarded with negative thoughts, either about ourselves, work, or personal lives.

So, what happens when you’re surrounded with negativity? Very often you wallow in it, much like the beloved Eeyore character from Winnie the Pooh. What we think reflects how we’re feeling, which shows outwardly in our behavior. And, as we discussed in the recent episode, Complaining is a Garbage Magnet, negative behavior can bring others down with us.

Can we change our negative thinking? Yes! That’s the beauty of our brains. WE are in control of switching those neural pathways but that is no easy task. It takes time and consistency to switch our way of thinking but YOU are fully capable of making this change.

Listen in as Anna shares:

  1. How we can CHOOSE how we show up in the world.
  2. How we can change our thought patterns so we don’t get stuck in negativity.
  3. The benefits of an optimistic mindset.
  4. How we can give our experiences a positive spin instead of focusing on the negative.


Journal Prompts:

  1. How do you show up in the world?
  2. What is your current impact on others?
  3. How are you playing victim to your past?
  4. How can you become the driver of your life?
  5. What one positive thought can you think of to start your day?


Quotes to Remember:

  • You are the driver of your own life, not the passenger.
  • Win the day!
  • Progress, not perfection.
  • When you change the way you look at things, things DO change.


Connect with Anna:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: @CoachAnnaGibbs 

Instagram: @CoachAnnaGibbs 

YouTube: @Annagibbsatkw


To learn more about the supplements and products Anna uses to improve her overall health and well-being visit: