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10 Ways to Feel More Positive When Everything Seems is Going Sideways

gratitude mantras perspective positive mindset remove negativity Jan 29, 2021

A negative mindset will not only keep you from accomplishing your goals it makes everything so much harder. These simple tips can help you turn things around quickly and get on the brighter side of life. We all need to make doing things that make us happy more of a priority. It's time to feel better and take back our control.

1. Practice gratitude

Research has proven that expressing gratitude is will boost both your mental and physical health. When we take the time to count our blessings our optimism stretches our inspiration grows. Gratitude creates such good and positive vibes it is impossible to feel negative. Create a daily ritual of acknowledging 3 to 5 things that you're grateful for and keep a journal. Open it up whenever you need a reminder of all the blessings in your life. Be sure to express your gratitude to the people who mean something to you. It will improve your life and your sense of fulfillment.

2. Stay Connected

Covid-19 has made it hard on all of us. It is important for us to keep our physical distance but that doesn't mean we have to keep socially distant. Make time for friends and family. Long chats over the phone, virtual happy hours and a text that says I'm thinking of you are all ways to feel closer and stay connected until we can do it in person. And let's not forget the people we live with. Snuggle up and watch a movie together, play a board game, talk about your day and be present in your conversations with each other. We need each other especially now. Staying connected and having people who love and support you in your life will balance out the tough times and improve your outlook.

3. Let things go

Holding on to a grudge is not healthy and it does not serve you. Think about it. How does it make you feel? Where do those feelings live in your body? All of our past trauma is recorded and felt in the body. Those headaches and tension in your neck or stomach can be released when you let go of the old grudges. Why carry that old heavy baggage around? Who would you be without? Find a way to express your feelings and resolve the pain. Write it down and burn the paper! Or if it is hard to do on your own find the help you need by hiring a coach or even therapist. It is worth it!

4. Turn your inner critic into your inner coach

Rather than being critical and hard on yourself let's become more aware of the negative self talk and turn it around. Don't hate on yourself. Love yourself! Stop being critical of your body, your choices, your job and relationships. We have the power to change things by making better choices and different decisions. And in order to do that we have to practice self love and a positive self image because what we believe is what we think and do and that is what shapes our reality.

5. Keep what matters most in front of you all the time

Create a vision board and have the images on that board reflect what you want most in your life. Place it where you will see it all the time. Not only will this create tunnel vision that will filter out the crazy world around you it will engage your RAS. Your RAS or reticular activating system is basically the filter that keeps out the unnecessary information that your brain feels you do not need. When you look at those images, positive words and statements on your vision board every day and post index cards around you with affirmations, bible verses and quotes that support your goals and desires your RAS says, "Ok, we like this so we want more of this. Let's go get it." You can basically program your brain so you can have the life of your visions.

6. Don't stop at happy

Everyone talks about finding happiness. But what is happiness? Now, don't get me wrong happy is nice but don't stop there! Strive for significance, fulfillment, purpose and contentment. Work towards self love and self confidence. Deepen the desires of your heart and don't stop at happy.

7. Be intentional

Make a decision about the day you are going to have each morning. Don't let life happen to you. You make life happen. You decide what you will create in your life. How do you want to spend your time? What outcomes are you working towards? The life you are leading is not by accident. It is by intention. Change your intentions and you will change your life. 

8. Practice acts of kindness

In a recent study by Yale University School of Medicine, people who perform small acts of kindness experience fewer negative emotions and less stress.

9. Be kinder, gentler and easier on yourself

 You are doing the best you can at any moment. There are enough challenges around us without us making it harder on ourselves. Besides, when you know better you will do better. Enough said.

10. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

From time to time, we all benefit from looking at things from a different perspective. Who can you rely on to help you see things differently? We can't possibly see all of our options if we are our only source of wisdom. What books can you listen to? What podcasts can you listen to that will help you see things from a fresh new angle?

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