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6 Gifts of Awareness I Received From My Covid Experience

Jan 18, 2021

1. We are responsible for our health and should do whatever it takes to stay healthy. In order to stay healthy, we need to live an active and aware life style. Stay educated on proper nutrition, exercise and immune boosters as well as maintaining a positive mindset. Take care of you. No one asks to get sick and sometimes it can be hard to avoid as we have seen with this Covid pandemic that has moved so swiftly across the globe. All the more reason to make your health your #1 priority. If we want to live a long and fulfilling life, then we have to take care of the body we need to live in. Our health is everything. And having a virus that has killed so many people across the world really brought that into perspective for me. It is sobering to think about. I am grateful that my husband and I are recovering and getting stronger every day. We don't expect long term affects from Covid and we know that we are some of the lucky ones for sure.


2. Being sick with Covid taught me a thing or two about acceptance and surrender. I am a control freak. I am a fast-paced go getter who likes to come from contribution and get results. I do not like to sit on the sidelines for anything. This Girl Is On Fire is my personal theme song. I look for opportunity all the time. I am restless by nature and I like to build things. I have a compulsive need to stay busy at all times. Well, that all came to a screeching halt when I came down with Covid right after New Year's Day. I had no choice but to let it go and surrender to my illness. I did not have the physical stamina to even shower on some days let alone work, clean my house or even carry on a conversation with my kids when they called to check in on me. Often when we think of surrender, we think of defeat. Not always true. Sometimes, our ability to surrender is an act of valor and courage. My ability to surrender meant that I had confidence in knowing that at that moment it was essential for my survival. I had to accept what was happening to me and my body and I had to trust that it was temporary. My acceptance and surrender was an act of self-love.

3. I learned it was ok to take help and that people are beautiful. We had so many people reaching out to us. Praying for us. Sending love, light and energy. Food was dropped at our front door whether we could eat it or not. So many people around us were concerned for our wellbeing and we felt the support. People - Our superpower is the ability to connect and make others feel good. As human beings we have an unlimited capacity to love other humans and we should take the time to make those heart-to-heart connections as often as possible. Love is everything, compassion is the key to being a better person and I am so grateful for all the people who were there for us. Humanity is not lost! There are some fantastic human beings out there.

4. I am grateful that I am someone who has learned to become mentally strong and not someone who will let this get me down. Our choice to be mentally strong is not to pretend that nothing is wrong. It’s not a tough guy act either. It is avoiding the pity party though. Feeling sorry for yourself is destructive. It is a waste of time and good energy. And it prevents you from dealing with your emotions and staying rooted in reality.

5. Covid reminded me that we are not a product of our circumstances. But rather a product of our choices. And I choose to be mentally strong. That doesn’t mean I’m emotionless or robotic or act overly heroic. It just means I am not pushing down my feelings. I’m aware of what I’m feeling. I just don’t wallow in it. I feel it and then I’m realistic about what’s next. Being sick with Covid sucks. It’s tough. It’s scary and it’s one minute at a time. Be vigilant. Wear a mask, wash your hands. Be smart. Don’t get this virus. I don’t wish it on anyone AND for me I knew it would pass. Each day I feel a little better. Yes, I have to take it easy and allow my body to heal and I will and I will come through this with lessons learned and new perspectives and a deeper appreciation for life because I will choose to get that from this experience. Life is a series of experiences. Some pleasant some not. Some fun others hard. It’s all part of our journey. Developing mental strength is not about chasing happiness. What is happiness anyway? Surely, it is different for all of us. Being mentally strong is about making decisions that will help you reach your highest potential and the fullest expression of yourself. It is about choosing to seek the better outcomes.

6. What comes after the words I am is powerful. I was really sick with Covid for about 14 days and I could have said a lot of things after the words I am.... Instead I chose my thoughts and my words very carefully. What comes after those 2 words will create your reality. What you tell yourself matters. I refused to tell myself that I am sick or I am struggling. Instead I chose to say I am alive. I am grateful. I am getting better each day. I am strong. I am capable of getting through tough things. I am ok.

We all go through difficult times. No one’s experience is any more or less difficult. It’s often easy to feel mentally strong when things are going well. But, at some time life will throw you a curve ball. An illness, a loss, a business challenge, natural disaster, or a disagreement with a loved one. When you’re mentally strong you’re more prepared to deal with the adversity and the challenges.

We make our best decisions in life when we know how to manage our emotions with rational thinking and a focus on faith rather than fear. These last two weeks were a gift of time and awareness for me. Life is s gift and each day is full of new possibilities. Life is not always easy but it is beautiful.

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