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Cutting Through the Chaos

Apr 16, 2021

Guys! You are doing an amazing job right now whether you feel like it or not! These times are challenging! I live a crazy busy life just like you do and I used to pray for more sleep and more time at home and now I have been home for 33 days! Holy cow! Be careful what you ask for right?

Here's the thing...We are doing things we have never done before. Some of you are home schooling your kids while trying to run a business and clean your house and keep track of the toilet paper all at the same time! Oh and don't forget to think of something new and exciting to cook for dinner too. And let's not even talk about the chaos in our own minds as we try to figure out our feelings every hour. Worried about money? Or your family's health? Or sanitizing your home? Or even running out of coffee? There is a lot to think about.

 So be kind to yourself, you are juggling a lot!

In all seriousness this pandemic has turned our world upside down and brought with it fear, anxiety and its own sets of challenges. While many of us have our hands full I also know we are so grateful for our health and we pray that our families stay safe through this crisis as our hearts break for those who are suffering and especially for those we have lost.  

Life at any given moment can feel chaotic. Here are some ways to cut through that chaos and feel more in control.

1. Focus on what we CAN control - the list of things that are not in our control is long however I am sure the list of things we can control is longer! What we focus on expands so put that energy into whatever that might be however small the task like organizing your closet. It does not matter as long as it gives you a sense of control and order. Put blinders on to the things that are not within your power to change and end your frustration. You can control your thoughts and your actions. You got this!

2. Turn challenges into opportunities - how can you change your perspective on the current situation? Are you stuck at home or are you safe at home? Are you separated from friends and family or are you choosing to put everyone's safety and well being first? When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. Mindset matters. What new opportunities for growth and learning have already come out of this situation for you? How will this open up new doors of opportunity going forward? What are you currently doing that at one time you thought was impossible? What are you learning about yourself?

3. Limit the amount of news you are watching or reading - Now, by no means do I suggest you put your head in the sand. But what I am suggesting is creating some healthy boundaries. Take in enough of the news daily to stay informed however don't binge on it. The news is heavy enough on most days and can have a profound affect on your mood and mindset.

4. Connect with nature - Some fresh air will do wonders to clear your head and help you cut through the chaos. (even if it is just going out your back door and standing on your deck or in the middle of your yard a few minutes a day) Regardless of what is happening the sun still comes up every day and the stars are shining. That morning sky is full of brilliant colors and beautiful clouds float overhead. The grass is green, the trees are budding and the birds are chirping. Take it in. Breathe deep. Connect with the earth and feel it support you. 

5. Have a plan - of how you will spend your time every day. Schedules are really important right now. Schedules help to create structure and in a world that feels not so normal the more structure and stability we create the less chaotic we will feel. This is especially true of families with kids.

6. Create normalcy - Develop positive habits that support you. Something as simple as having set times for everyone to get up in the morning to get dressed, have breakfast, "go to school" or "go to work" can bring some harmony to your life. That also means ending your school day or work day at an appropriate time so you can move into family dinner time and baths etc. When the weekend comes, enjoy your weekends to do family activities, household chores and projects etc. Don't play when you should be working and don't work when you should be playing. With all of us being home so much now the lines can get blurred quickly so designating work vs family time is important. The space where it all happens is important too. Have you set up a designated work area and/or school environment somewhere in your home? If you have the luxury of a bigger home utilize all of your rooms so that everything is not happening at the kitchen table. As the weather gets nicer move outside to your own deck or yard for meals or down time as much as possible.

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