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Do Affirmations Really Work?

Apr 30, 2021

Yes. Affirmations do really work. If you use them correctly. If you use an affirmation like "I am a millionaire" that may not change the amount in your bank account very much. But, if you create an affirmation designed to change your belief system around attracting money and opportunity into your life...well that might work!  

Affirmations are a powerful tool to help you manifest what you really want as long as you are affirming your beliefs and how you want to think. Our beliefs shape our thoughts and our thoughts shape our words and what we think and what we say is how we act. And how we act (behavior) is what brings results.

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are as easy to define as they are to practice. They are positive statements or phrases that work best when we write them for ourselves and repeat them out loud multiple times every day. It is important to understand that the affirmation on repeat is what makes it effective. Saying it often enough means your subconscious will believe it to be true and will seek it out.

The positive affirmation works to challenge negative, unhelpful and limited thoughts. These affirmations will work to motivate you, encourage positive changes in your life and boost your self confidence. All of that will lead to different thought patterns and actions. And remember the results you seek are based on the actions you take! 

Look, there is no magic or mystery to this. It is actually scientifically proven that your subconscious mind will follow the orders given to it by the affirmation because words have an affect on our physical and mental state of mind.

Our brain is a marvel. It is complex and complicated, working to understand and decode everything around us. The trouble is because there is so much information coming at us throughout the day the brain does not have time to interpret everything; so it takes what is being said very literally. That is why we must choose who we are spending time with, what we are listening to, saying and reading very carefully. Your mind will not discern between your negative and positive thoughts. It assumes they are both equally true.

The brain also does not understand past or future, it works with the preset only. Therefore the brain does not have time to decide if what you are thinking or feeling is accurate, positive or negative. So positive affirmations are designed to keep our mind focused on what we want rather than what we don't want.

How to create a powerful and positive affirmation

Affirmations must be completely positive.  

For example, we do not want to say "I am not going to judge myself anymore" because all your mind will focus on is "judge myself" and your wish is its command! So instead say "I am doing my very best at any moment and it is enough!" now that is a positive and supporting statement. 

When the affirmations are yours and they are positive statements to reflect what you really want they will have multiple benefits for you. A positive affirmation will help you view yourself in a positive way and help you to become more confident and capable. Another benefit, is that affirmations have been shown to decrease stress, increase levels of achievement and help us to become more resilient to difficulties when they arise.  

Oh! And remember, repetition is the key. Saying our positive affirmations over and over again programs our thoughts and creates an inner conviction to move towards what you desire. The reps are also helping to strengthen the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind.

So as you sit down to write your affirmations keep in mind that they are to be positive and in the present tense so your mind can follow along easily. And an affirmation should always be the truth! Don't repeat over and over again, "I love my job. I love my job" if it is not true. That will not help you manifest what you want and you are just being a phony! Instead, say "I am attracting my perfect job" or "I can earn more money" or "I am getting a promotion!" And saying this over and over again will force you to step out of your comfort zone and seek opportunity because what your mind hears, it sees and what it sees it wants.

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