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Five Things We All Need to Stop Doing for a Happier and Healthier Life

Sep 25, 2023

If we are determined to live our best life then it’s important to recognize the habits we have that could be getting in our way.  As hard as it might be to let go of some of these habits because they are so ingrained in our routine, it would be the most important thing we can do to move toward a more fulfilling life.  

Here is my list of five things I think we all need to stop doing in order to pave the way for a happier and healthier future.

  • Self-Criticism: One of the most damaging habits we need to break is the negative self-talk. Constantly berating ourselves for our perceived shortcomings can erode our self-esteem and contribute to anxiety and stress. Instead, let's practice self-compassion and focus on our strengths and achievements, celebrating even the smallest daily victories.
  • Living in the Past: Ruminating on past mistakes, regrets, or missed opportunities can trap us in a cycle of negativity. It's important to acknowledge the past, but dwelling on it prevents us from fully embracing the present moment. Letting go of the past allows us to make room for personal growth and new experiences.
  • Comparing Ourselves to Others: this is a big one! The constant comparison to others, often fueled by the curated images on social media, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and envy. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and focusing on our own progress rather than measuring up to others is essential for maintaining a positive self-image.
  • Procrastination: Procrastination can be a significant roadblock to productivity and success. Delaying tasks not only increases stress levels but also hinders our ability to achieve our goals. Breaking the cycle of procrastination involves adopting effective time-management techniques and setting achievable deadlines.
  • Holding onto Negative Relationships: Toxic relationships, whether they're with friends, family members, or colleagues, can drain our energy and prevent personal growth. It's crucial to recognize when a relationship is no longer serving our well-being and to create boundaries or, in some cases, distance ourselves from negativity. In some cases, you may not be able to sever ties with someone completely but don’t underestimate the power of adding new friends and developing more supportive and positive relationships. 

By letting go of these five habits—self-criticism, dwelling on the past, comparison, procrastination, and negative relationships—we can create a more positive and fulfilling life. 

It’s time to embrace these important habits in order to grow and thrive 

  • Self-love
  • Self-compassion
  • Living in the present
  • Celebrate our unique journey
  • Prioritize productivity
  • Surround ourselves with positivity  

All of the habits that you have right now — good or bad — are in your life for a reason. In some way, these behaviors provide a benefit to you, even if they are bad for you in other ways. So it’s important to understand that habits aren’t broken overnight. It will take repetition and a commitment to want to replace the bad with the good. 

Breaking bad habits takes time and effort, but mostly it takes perseverance. Most people who end up breaking bad habits try and fail multiple times before they make it work. You might not have success right away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have it at all.

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