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How to be 93% More Likely to Hit Your Goals

Aug 01, 2024

Achieving your goals often feels like an uphill battle filled with distractions, self-doubt, and a lack of clear direction. However, data-driven strategies can significantly increase your chances of success. Today I’m giving you a step-by-step approach that will make you 93% more likely to hit your goals by leveraging accountability, intentional planning, and consistent action.

Step 1: Define Your Goal

The journey to goal achievement begins with clarity. Merely having a vague desire, such as "I want to sell more real estate," provides only a 10% chance of success. This is because the thought remains a fleeting idea without any commitment or structure.

Take Action: When setting goals, use the S.M.A.R.T Acronym, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound. If your goals don’t meet each criteria keep refocusing until they do. In our example you would change “I want to sell more real estate” to “I want to sell 50 homes in 2024”

Step 2: Write It Down

The simple act of writing down your goal elevates your chances to 50%. This step transforms your abstract idea into a tangible target. For instance, writing "I want to sell 50 homes this year" solidifies your intention and serves as a constant reminder of what you aim to achieve.

Take Action: Once you have your SMART goals written down, place them everywhere! On your desk, your mirror, your car’s visor - anywhere you’ll read them repeatedly.

Step 3: Set a Timetable

Scheduling your timeline to your goal further boosts your likelihood of success to 65%. Deadlines create urgency and help prioritize tasks. Specify a realistic yet challenging timeframe.

Take Action: List out all of the steps towards your goal and then make deadlines for each. Calendar the deadlines with reminders so you can stay on track.

Step 4: Share Your Goal

When you share your goal with someone else, your chances of success jump to 80%. Telling a friend, family member, or colleague about your goal introduces a layer of accountability. Now, someone else is aware of your intention, making it harder for you to back out without explanation.

Take Action: Ask 5 people if you can share something exciting that you’re working on with them!

Step 5: Establish Regular Accountability Meetings

The final step is setting up regular check-ins with the person or group you’ve shared your goal with. Monthly meetings to discuss your progress increase your chances of achieving your goal to 93%. These sessions provide an opportunity to review your progress, address challenges, and stay motivated.

Take Action: Find an accountability partner and schedule a set time to share your progress towards your goals with each other. If you aren’t sure where to start with this reply to this email and I will help you!

Reaching your goals is not just about having the desire to succeed but about implementing structured and proven strategies. By clearly defining your goal, writing them down, setting a timetable, sharing it with others, and establishing regular accountability check-ins, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Embrace these steps, tackle barriers head-on, and watch as you achieve what you once thought was out of reach.


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