Pump Up The Energy
Jun 10, 2021Are you curious how some people seem to have the most positive outlook on life, regardless of what is happening around them? Or how others seem to be at peace and not outwardly stressed or affected by challenges and change? Perhaps you are seeking ways to feel more in control and more in balance with your own emotions right now. We can all agree that self care is important and that it should be our priority. Now more than ever, self care rituals and raising and keeping our energy levels up are a key to physical and mental health.
Acknowledge your energy areas. There are at least 4 areas in which we all need energy. They are mental energy, emotional energy, physical energy and spiritual energy. What is one thing you can do in each of these areas to raise your energy level? Let's take a look at a few ways we can do just that:

Meditate and Pray Daily - (Spiritual Energy ) This can be a very simple practice for just a few minutes a day, yet the benefits can be extraordinary. Meditation and or prayer will relax and quiet the mind and reduce anxiety. Meditation will allow you to harness the power of your mind and actually influence positive change in the body.
Be Positive - (Mental Energy) Your mindset matters, it is 95% of your success rate in any situation. Keeping our thoughts focused on what is going well rather than what is not will keep our focus on what is possible and that keeps us in control. The moment we feel negative or out of control we give up our personal power and we give away our ability to be the master of ourselves. Thinking positively will keep our energy level high and our options open.

Exercise - (Physical Energy)
Exercise raises endorphin levels in the body. Endorphins boost our happiness level and they help us relieve stress and anxiety. Regular exercise can prevent disease in the body, improve fatigue and reduce stress. Research has shown 30 minutes a day of exercise can have life altering results. Whether you like yoga, running, sports or swimming moving the body will absolutely raise your energy!
Gratitude - (Emotional Energy) People who are consistent in expressing gratitude are found to be happier, healthier, more optimistic and have more energy! Science has backed this up and proven that the ritual of expressing gratitude daily will have a positive impact on our emotional and mental well being.

Sleep - (Mental, Emotional, Physical Energy) Getting the right amount of sleep is probably one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves. For most adults, that is somewhere between 7-9 hours a night and if you're not getting the right amount of sleep you will know it. If we are physically tired we will become mentally tired which leads to feeling emotionally tired.
Plan, Organize, Time Block - (Mental Energy) A cluttered mind can lead to some chaos. Taking the time to plan your day, organize your calendar, set aside time for the most important tasks (don't forget to time block the stuff on this list) will provide clarity. Clarity leads to focus and focus increases productivity. It is important to have a plan of how you will spend your time each day and what you want to accomplish if you desire to feel more in control of your outcomes.

Connect - (Emotional Energy) Social distancing does not have to mean avoidance. there are still a lot of ways we can stay connected to each other thanks to technology. It is so important for all of our mental and emotional health to maintain a connection with loved ones, friends and business relationships. Call an old friend, play a game with the kids, share a meal via zoom. Have some fun with it because laughing raises endorphins too! Be sure to tell the people that matter most to you how you feel. When you give love you will receive love and that will send your energy vibrating on the highest level possible.
A few other things worth mentioning to keep your energy up through out the day is to drink lots of water, eat healthy meals and avoid sugar, alcohol in moderation and most of all find ways to help others. Even the smallest gesture(s) will be appreciated by someone and that will have them feel grateful to you which means you just transferred some energy and raised their levels too!
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