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What's Standing Between You and Getting What You Want?

Nov 08, 2023

Over the course of my life, I have come to understand that our thinking creates our reality. If we
want to achieve success in any area of our life, we must examine our core beliefs about who we
think we are. Before we can tackle any opportunity, challenge, or new idea it is important to take
a look at what our beliefs and thoughts are doing to move us forward or possibly hold us back.
At best, our thoughts empower us to do hard things and create amazing goals and outcomes. But
at our worst, our thoughts can lead us down the road of self-doubt and extreme insecurity. When
those feelings take over, we start to tell ourselves we can’t do it or we aren’t enough.
Our mind is powerful. Whatever we believe to be true will be true for us. Unfortunately, a lot of
what we believe to be true, especially about ourselves might just be a lie. And beliefs that are
truly just myths tend to lead to baseless fears and a life of limitations. Let’s face it, most of our
fears are based on lies.

FEAR or False Evidence Appearing Real …fuels the doubts and takes over our thinking until we
convince ourselves that it is not possible. What fears are you holding onto? What is standing
between you and the things you desire most?

Here are the top three lies we tell ourselves; which ultimately get in the way of our success.

Lie #1 – “I can’t do it.”
The biggest lie we tell ourselves and the most time we waste is believing that we cannot do
something! My mom used to say, “How do you know unless you try?” Truer words were never
spoken. How do YOU know unless you try? What are you capable of? What is your full
potential? Every time you say the words “I can’t” you are putting a limit to your potential. Our
potential to achieve things in this life is unlimited and your capacity to figure things out is
I understand that when it comes to goal setting, we want to be realistic. We want the goal to be
attainable. But again, I will ask you, what is your ultimate potential? What are your limitations?
What are you capable of? We have no idea until we set out to achieve it and then we get to
stretch the potential each time because every time we set out to accomplish a goal we are
learning more and becoming more so therefore we are capable of so much more.
So stop saying “I can’t” and start asking “How can I?” or “What do I need to know or do?”
Instead of perceiving your limitations, acknowledge your greatness and stretch your potential by
connecting to your capabilities and your resources for growth and opportunity.

Lie #2 – “I don’t have the time.”
OK, this is a big one we all hide behind. The truth is we will always find the time for the things
that matter most to us. I think fear is holding you back here too. Maybe you feel like you don’t
have the time because you believe that the more time you devote to being successful will rob you
of your freedom. No freedom means you will have to give up things that matter to you. Success
takes some sacrifice, there is no doubt about it. However, what I believe to be true is that success
is all about the activities you choose to focus on, not the amount of time you give it.
Case in point, there are people who spend 40 hours a week working on their business and earn
$50,000 a year, and then there are others who spend 40 hours a week working on their business
and earn $500,000 a year. The success indicator is not about the amount of time you spend on
something, it is about how effective you are with the time you spend.
It is about working smarter, not harder. Actions bring results. Truth, However, not all actions will
bring the results you want, Activity is not always synonymous with productivity. Efficiency
might not lead to effectiveness and more discipline does not have to mean less freedom.
In the Millionaire Real Estate Agent book written by Gary Keller, Gary says, “Discipline
translates into effectiveness, which leads to accomplishment and that creates more freedom – not
When you focus on the most important activities, become purposeful in your actions, and apply
leverage when and where needed, you will earn back your time.

Lie #3 Failure is not an option.
The sentiment is commendable and not realistic. Failure IS part of succeeding. The fear of failure
might be the single most common phobia that holds people back from living their best life. I get
it. It is a hard one to overcome, yet so worth it.
The truth is failure is how you define it. Success is not easy, sequential, or perfectly achieved.
All honest high achievers will tell you that they failed their way forward. History has shown us
that failure(s) almost always precede success.
We open ourselves to so many more possibilities when we accept that failure is a part of any
success journey. We will try things and change things and adapt along the way. If you could
reframe your thinking around the definition of failure and what it might mean to you and your
growth, I believe you will be bolder and less fearful in your actions. To be successful, we cannot
or should not avoid failure. Failure is a great teacher and something to embrace rather than avoid.

People are achieving great things and succeeding at a high level and so can you! Examine your
beliefs, search for the truth and walk away from the lies you have been telling yourself. You have
nothing to fear. You have what it takes to accomplish your dreams. Just tell yourself it is true.

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