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The ABCs of Goal Setting

May 27, 2021

If you are curious about achieving success and how to have the life you created in your mind; I will let you in on a little (not so) secret. The key to success starts very simply. Set a goal. It is the only way to achieve success. Without a goal, I mean how do you even know if you're on the right track? Or if what you are doing is going to help you achieve what you really want? So, step one is to make a decision about what you want, then set a goal, write it down and get to work.

Life is precious. Time is a commodity so you don't want to waste any. Your life matters and you only come through this way once so make the best of it. If you really want to live a big life then create goals so you can get everything you deserve in your imagination - faster than you think is possible!

Once you have a goal, write it down, make plans to achieve it and work on it every day! This advice, if you choose to follow it, is the single most important thing you could do to make your dreams a reality. It is that simple. And it is a life changer.

This is an amazing time in our lives. Yes, there are challenges however in the challenges we will always find the opportunities. And the opportunities today are endless for imaginative, driven and determined individuals. Regardless of the obstacles or ups and downs in the economy and in the world today you can be successful. The current events do not determine whether or not you can achieve success. They only show you how to be successful!

This simple concept of goal setting is as easy as 1-2-3 or like reciting your ABCs...


The ABCs of Goal Setting

Attainable - If the goal you set can not be achieved then what is the point? Yes your goals should be big, yes they should stretch you and they should also be attainable. Otherwise, we set ourselves up to feel defeated and we look at achieving goals as difficult. So as you create your goal ask yourself is this achievable? Do I have the necessary skills, plan and time to accomplish it? And if not, where will you acquire it? Lacking a certain skill set is no reason to scrap the goal if it is something you can develop. Another key to analyzing the attainability of your goal is to chunk it down into parts or steps. This will allow you to set incremental gains and target dates to move you closer to the finish line.

Belief - Your belief in yourself and your ability to achieve the goal is probably the single most important factor to a successful outcome. Our beliefs are the rules we live by. So how you feel about your capability to achieve the goal is everything. As you set out to create your plan examine your beliefs. Are your beliefs empowering or limiting you? If they are holding you back what can you do to re-frame the thought into something much more empowering? What one belief, if you had it, would help you the most? What thoughts would fuel your passion to achieve your most important goal(s)?

Change - In order to accomplish your goals - any goal - you have to be willing to change. Change is inevitable when you are a goal getter. The purpose of a goal is to move you forward. So it goes without saying that it means change is coming. However some of us are not comfortable with change. Some of us may even fear change. So in order to live that bigger life, grow that dream business, change jobs, save money or lose weight you have to be willing to get comfortable being uncomfortable. That's because a change in perspective, mindset, behavior, outcomes, etc. is a part of the journey to accomplishing your goals. Refuse to negotiate with yourself any longer! No more compromises due to the fear of change. Remember, change is good! Change is growth and if we are not growing surely we must be dying.

Always remember, you are brilliant, capable and powerful. Your highest calling and truest potential is still waiting to be revealed. The pathway to that discovery is paved with every goal you set for yourself because your goals start in your mind first. They are born from your imagination. Then we form a vision of what we want to achieve. And if you can see it, surely you can achieve it.

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