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The Adventure of Finding Myself

May 04, 2021

Adventure is defined as an exciting or unusual experience. And the journey to discovering who I am, who I was born to be has been nothing less than an exciting and unusual experience. One that I hope will never end.

There were twists and turns, many hills and stretches of flat roads that seemed to last miles. But no matter where the road turned I always accepted that I was the driver as well as the navigator and if I was off track all I had to do was choose a new road and reset my inner GPS.

Our inner GPS or intuition is our internal guidance system. Any time I decided to listen to it and turn my attention inward I was able to get back on course. Most times when I found myself a little lost it was usually because I stopped listening to that inner voice and started worrying too much about what someone else said I should be doing or I worried too much about what everyone expected of me.  

The adventure of finding our self leads us to being our most authentic self and opening ourselves to endless possibilities about what we can achieve when we let our own voice be heard. Our voice is not just verbal. Our voice shows up in our energy and in our authenticity. Our voice can be heard when we stand in our own power and stand up for ourselves by not letting anyone or any situation make us feel small. Finding our voice is being unapologetic in our expression of who we really want to be when we stop playing small in order to make someone else feel big.

The adventure of finding "you" is about getting in touch with what you want; asking powerful questions of yourself that stimulate deeper thought and creativity. We only come through this physical world once. There are no do-overs. Now more than ever the Universe is telling us to rise up and discover our capacity for living, being and doing. It is time to be more present, so present that we do not miss what is right in front of us.
The adventure of finding myself was and is about "becoming" me in order to acknowledge and answer the question, "Who have I come here to be?" And as we uncover that truth it is important to accept it and be proud of it as we look for ways to show up in that truth more often. Standing in that truth and authenticity and to say "Here I am world! Take it or leave it, accept me or don't!".
Our thoughts and feelings matter. Our belief in ourselves matters. Cast a vision for your life. See it, dream it, draw it, write about it, work for it. It matters. You matter. We have the ability to become whatever we choose. Our becoming is a life long process. If we are not evolving and reinventing ourselves, if we are not growing than we are surely dying.

What would it feel like to truly stand in your own power? How would it make you feel? How would you show up? What would your life's work be about? Who would you help? What would you accomplish? It all starts on the journey to finding yourself. My journey to finding myself is only that much more meaningful to me when I can help you get started on your own adventure!

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