What will your One Word be?
Dec 15, 2020One word is all it takes to change your reality. One word is all you need to create purpose and focus for what you want to accomplish in the new year. One word that you choose has the power to manifest great stuff in your life!
Choosing one word as the theme for my year has been my tradition every December since reading a blog post by author Jon Gordon on this topic several years ago. In his article Jon shared that he stopped making New Year's resolutions and started picking one word for the year ahead. It made sense to me! New Year's resolutions are a waste of time. 90% of people who set resolutions fail and by February more than half of us have given up on them.
But one word that can set the tone for my intentions and the reality I want to create? Well, that's seems easy! So, in 2011 I began my annual ritual of sitting down to choose the one word that would make it all come in to focus. Some of my previous words have been GROWTH, PURPOSE, LEADERSHIP, ABUNDANCE, AUDASCIOUS and most recently my word for 2020 was EXPANSION. Each year, my word creates energy and stretches my vision. It allows me to find ways to live up to the meaning of the word I chose.
My word each year excites me and inspires me to set goals and intentions and create experiences that are in alignment with the meaning of the word. Choosing my one word every year helps me to cultivate what matters and I think it gives me clarity around the things I want more of in my life. Each word has helped me to grow. It seems so simple right? It is! Most things that lead to great success are just that...simple!
Choosing one word for the year is a simple way to look at your life and business/career and it helps you focus on the ripple effect that one word can create for the entire year. The process to choose your one word is easy too. Here is what I do:
1. Set aside time to think - I take about 30 minutes each year to sit quietly and reflect on the past year and ask myself, "What's next?" I always grab paper and a pen to do this so I can jot down some thoughts. Then I ask 3 more questions of myself. "What do I want more of in my life?" "What do I want less of in my life?" and finally "What do I want to experience in my life this year?"
2. Visualize - Our mind thinks in pictures, so it is important to visualize the answers to those questions you ask yourself. What would it all look like? What would a perfect day living through that one word look like? I visualize the life I want to have. This part is my favorite! I can create the movie in my head and when I play it back often enough it stimulates my subconscious mind to go get it.
3. Make a list of words - Now that I have some ideas of what I want to manifest in my life and I played that mental movie over in my head it's time to think of some words. I let the words flow. I do not overthink it or force it. I write down whatever words come to mind. I usually create a list of about 12 words. You might come up with more or less. The key is to let the word choose you rather than you choosing the word! What I mean is the word will feel right to you when it comes. It will excite you and inspire even more ideas and bigger visions. You will know it when you say it. You will feel it in your gut.
4. Choose your ONE Word for the year! - Like I said, you will know for sure when you hear the word. And now that you have your word for the year how will you use it to inspire your thoughts and impact your actions so that you can see greater results in your life?
Create connection and deep meaning to your word so that it forms a commitment. Don't just be interested in it because that is not enough to create change with this word. If you are committed, you will seek opportunities to implement the word in all areas of your life.
My word for 2021 is EXPLORATION and I am super excited about it. Webster defines exploration as the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. Wiki says that exploration is the act of searching for the purpose of discovery of information and resources. So what does that say to me?
It says that 2021 is going to be the year of coming out of my comfort zone in multiple areas of my life. And that I am going to proactively search for new information and resources in the areas of my life that matter most to me and that I desire more growth in. This year of personal exploration means that I will also be seeking opportunities for discovery that will lead to growth. It means I will align my personal and professional goals with the meaning of exploration! (Pretty cool right?)
So, tell me! I am curious! What will your word of the year be in 2021? What impact will it have on you and your life?
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