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Why Are You Here?

Jun 14, 2021

It has been said that the single most important thing we can do for ourselves and ultimately for others is to set on the path to understanding our purpose in life. I believe we are all here for a reason; to fulfill a purpose only we can. Each one of us is uniquely made and we have the ability to do something truly creative and inspiring. Whether that ability is artistic or entrepreneurial, in the area of science or spirituality or anything in between it is your birth right and it is up to you to figure it out.

We begin to truly live when we are living our purpose and our passion. We have in all of us the information and the desire we need to unleash our gifts and our true calling. How can we go through life and not want to discover more about ourselves, our passions and our unique abilities. When you live your life "on purpose" the entire universe will align to provide you with the way.

The world needs you. The world needs what you have to offer. You have the ability to create an impact in the lives of others. And you do not have to be Mother Theresa or Oprah to do it. If your actions, gifts and passion changes the life of one person you can create a ripple affect where that one person can then impact the lives of countless others for a generation to come. You might not even realize your contributions on the world in your life time however it doesn't change the tremendous impact that you made by living up to your full potential.

Nothing you do or say is insignificant or inconsequential. Your dreams and visions matter. The ideas you have, the yearnings for more are all telling you where your purpose lies. Answer the call, follow the path. Wherever it takes you. If you are following your heart and pursuing more of the things that make you feel real joy, contentment, excitement and passion then you are finding your purpose.

How you live out that purpose is also up to you. My purpose is to inspire and teach others to think bigger and achieve more and more. Whatever that looks like for them. I might do that through blogging, coaching, teaching, interviewing, writing etc. But it all leads to my inspire others to live their best life.

How do you find your purpose?

The first step is to acknowledge that you need to figure it out and accepting that the process might take some time and effort on your part. It may not come easy for some of you to just know so making the time to think and mediate on this as well as journal is crucial. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What makes me really excited?

  • What do I believe in?

  • What am I curious about?

  • What topics do I like to research and read about?

  • What activities do I enjoy most?

  • What questions, thoughts and ideas show up constantly in my quiet times?

  • What would I do if I knew I could not fail?

When you take the time to answer these questions look for the common denominators and patterns in your answers. Like following crumbs on a path in the forest where does it lead you?

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