Do Affirmations Really Work? Apr 30, 2021

Yes. Affirmations do really work. If you use them correctly. If you use an affirmation like "I am a millionaire" that may not change the amount in your bank account very much. But, if you create an affirmation designed to change your belief system around attracting money and opportunity into your...

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The Choice is Yours Apr 22, 2021

So, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news first? Ok, here it is ...We have the power to make our own choices in life and with that be the master of our destiny! The bad news is ...We have the power to make our own choices in life and be the master of our own destiny. Basically, what...

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Chasing Where the Water Flows Apr 19, 2021

After days and days of social distancing my husband and I took a couple of hours this afternoon to get out of the house. We decided to head up to Minnewaska State Park Preserve. Only about 20 minutes from where we live, Minnewaska is a breathtakingly beautiful park with 20,000+ acres of dense...

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Cutting Through the Chaos Apr 16, 2021

Guys! You are doing an amazing job right now whether you feel like it or not! These times are challenging! I live a crazy busy life just like you do and I used to pray for more sleep and more time at home and now I have been home for 33 days! Holy cow! Be careful what you ask for right?


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The Mystery of Faith Apr 11, 2021

Faith is the belief in someone or something that is not based on proof or sight. A mystery is something unexplained or unknown. Where does your faith begin? When you take time to consider the source and depth of your faith is it as much a mystery to you as it is to me?

My faith is my...

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Is Expansion part of your plan in 2021? Feb 01, 2021

Every December for the last several years I choose my word for the new year. It is the word that will be the theme for the next 12 months that becomes my mantra. What can one word do to help me reach my goals? A lot! it provides me with direction and it helps me manifest and attract...

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10 Ways to Feel More Positive When Everything Seems is Going Sideways gratitude mantras perspective positive mindset remove negativity Jan 29, 2021

A negative mindset will not only keep you from accomplishing your goals it makes everything so much harder. These simple tips can help you turn things around quickly and get on the brighter side of life. We all need to make doing things that make us happy more of a priority. It's time to feel...

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6 Gifts of Awareness I Received From My Covid Experience Jan 18, 2021

1. We are responsible for our health and should do whatever it takes to stay healthy. In order to stay healthy, we need to live an active and aware life style. Stay educated on proper nutrition, exercise and immune boosters as well as maintaining a positive mindset. Take care of you. No one asks...

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The Grinch Couldn't Steal Christmas Dec 24, 2020

Today is Christmas Eve 2020 and millions of people around the world will celebrate. And for each one of us, Christmas has its own unique meaning and significance. This holiday is miraculous and magical. This time of year floods our minds with so many memories. Of all our celebrations, Christmas...

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What will your One Word be? Dec 15, 2020

One word is all it takes to change your reality. One word is all you need to create purpose and focus for what you want to accomplish in the new year. One word that you choose has the power to manifest great stuff in your life!

Choosing one word as the theme for my year has been my tradition...

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Life Altering Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now Nov 04, 2020

What does it mean to examine one's life? I think it means that we take the time to stop and think. We take the time to ask questions of ourselves. I think an examined life is one in which we are willing to review and reflect on who we are, what we are doing and really ask the questions that will...

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How Can We Make a Difference? Aug 31, 2020

We are facing tremendous socio- economic global challenges today. It can be overwhelming; until we realize we can be a part of the solution. Collectively we can do our part to create positive change. Collectively we can create energetic solutions and collectively we have a voice that can make a...

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